Sophie Hundertmark

Consultant, Speaker & PhD at University of Applied Science Lucerne (IFZ) & University of Fribourg HSLU Hochschule Luzern | Consultant, Speaker & PhD at University of Applied Science Lucerne (IFZ) & University of Fribourg | Speaker

AI & Innovation | Data & Analytics | Social

Sophie Hundertmark, a pioneer in chatbot research, is currently pursuing her doctorate at the University of Fribourg, focusing on the integration of Conversational AI, Fuzzy Logic, Ethics, and Large Language Models (LLMs). She also teaches at IFZ, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, leveraging her extensive experience as an independent consultant to guide companies in AI and chatbot projects. Additionally, she provides ethical guidance on AI systems like Generative AI and ChatGPT. Sophie fosters collaboration between academia and industry on AI-driven conversational automation. As Growth Lead and advisory board member, she supports innovative firms and advocates against greenwashing through her association